do i miss my student's days..? i spent 7 years to complete my medical degree (2 years of matrics and 5 years of medical degree)..it was a smooth journey though, i passed every single exams...
well, probably not...but now i am one again....but this time as a mature student who needs to work and to study at the same time....i am upgrading my life from a normal doctor to become a specialist in my field, insya Allah in 4 years time...
i need to make a lot of sacrifices...Jihan's and hubby's birthdays are just around the corner and i have not think of any plan yet to celebrate their birthdays!!
i've been doing lots of reading pertaining to my work and i spend abou 2 hours at night to myself doing my own works...
i miss cooking, baking, reading novel and go out to the shopping malls during the weekends (with the increasing price of the petrol, we tend to stay at home more now, and now i have to travel quite far to Hosp K, the expenditure for petrol increases twice as we have to use 2 cars to go to work...)
i miss my old days where i can just relax and do whatever i want...now, i have to read books, do some research reading, do mcq's abd stuffs...
i pray that i'll be able to finish my study in 4 years time...then i can enjoy my old life back....and spend more time with my family...
Good Luck to u my dear friend..i'm so proud and always impress with ur spirit :) lps ni plan nak jd Dr specialist dlm bidang ape ezzet? btw, ezzet ko ade tak member Dr yg pakar dlm bidang counseling? kalau ade let me know ye..
faham benar perasaan itu hehe... anyway, all the best in your study...
specialist ye? bagus tu.. bercita2 besar.. tapi dalam bidang apa yek? Gynae ke?
welcome to the student's life. Hopefully everything going smooth. all the best.
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