how time flies....my little boy is already 10 months old...he is still an avid breastfeeder and on top of that, he eats almost everything that is given to him... he still drinks 4.5oz x 2 bottles everyday when i'm at work and nurses avidly throughout the night...he weighs slightly more than 8kg and most of the time is wearing a 1 year old clothings, though at times we put on his old tight-fitting clothings on him and he looked like The Higglytown Heroes....
he's a master in commando crawling...lifted his chest and straightened his both arms occasionally but put it back down and proceed with commando crawling....steadily sits on his own and able to pull to stand on his own too....he is very stable nowadays and started cruising onto the furnitures...and each day, he becomes very good at climbing stairs too..now in the process of getting down from the stairs....
his favourite toys..? ball...he loves playing football with his papa....will chase the ball, catch it and throw it away....cannot resist water...he'll jump into the swimming pool or his small bath tub or even the bathroom if the door is left opened...
he loves climbing up my body when i lie down...and put his head on my chest...he is very upset when Jihan takes away his toys and loves to pull the sister's hair....
it's less than 2 month till his first birthday...can't wait for it and we are going to have a birthday party...! yeay!
sekejap je kan masa berlalu....cute la imtiaz nih :D
another 2 months for Imtiaz birthday party :) cool. planning any birthday party? I have 7 months old son, can wait to throw him a party
for sure it's gonna be a bittersweet moment
Don't stop posting such themes. I like to read articles like this. Just add some pics :)
asyfa pun sangatla suka commando crawling & malas nak merangkak betul2 hehe... penakut sket, nak cruise on furniture pun kena make sure someone is @ her back... kalau tak, she would rather get down & do her commando crawling hehe...
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