A Mother's Discovery

a mother's experience nurturing her little ones, treasuring every single family moments with her loved ones and sharing her thoughts on day-to-day life experience, breastfeeding and natural parenting ...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

potty training...day2,3

well...after a few days of potty train, i made the conclusion that my Jihan is not yet ready and not willing to potty train..but i still continue doing so as practice makes perfect...

i called her to go to her potty every hour but she refused to go...if she did go, she won't take her panty off...she would just sit at her potty for a few seconds and that's it...

another problem is she would hold her rectum and would not poo poo....and that contributed to hard stool and possible constipation....

it is very challenging for us....but at least, she already had the experience on how it actually feels like to pee and how she'd get her panty wet if she peed not inside her potty...so, when i'm back to work, my maid can just continue what i've started and hopefuly she'll get used to it and it'll be over soon....

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