A Mother's Discovery

a mother's experience nurturing her little ones, treasuring every single family moments with her loved ones and sharing her thoughts on day-to-day life experience, breastfeeding and natural parenting ...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Train The Trainers for Peer Counselors Program

i was very honoured to become one of the 19 wonder women in this pioneer program... the first of its kind in Malaysia was made possible by the efforts of The Nurturing Concepts Sdn Bhd and it was funded by UNICEF and strongly supported by WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action)... the 6 days training was conducted by the experts from The La Leche League International (LLLI), Kathy Baker and Pushpa Panadam...

our aim is to form a network of a Mother to Mother Support Group in breastfeeding in Malaysia...the training is provided to the pioneer participants so that we are able to train our Malaysian Peer Counselors (PC) based on the syllabus from the LLLI, specifically tailored to our local settings...the PCs will then reach all women out there in promoting breastfeeding and supporting breastfeeding mothers to increase the number of breastfeeding mothers in Malaysia...according to the National Health Morbidity Survey 2006 (NHMS), reported a high proportion of Malaysian mothers initiating breastfeeding but the practice of exclusive breastfeeding for four to six months was low (14.5%)...

the sessions were held in a leisurely manner, even though the schedules were quite packed, we managed to come out with brilliant ideas to make it work...Shida and Suraya even brought their 2 months old baby to the workshop as they need their mummies breastmilk frequently..not forgetting Linda who brought along her almost 2 year old girl who is still breastfeeding to the course...others (Suria, Yatie, Shikin, Farah, Faridah, Zatul and myself) were pumping our breastmilk for our children who were left at home...

we had lovely times together, sharing our experiences, tears and joys of motherhood and that made us all connectedat heart....Kathy and Pushpa were fantastic ladies and i was very much enlightened with their experiences with breastfeeding mothers.... and i was very glad meeting these enthusiastic and powerful women and breastfeeding mothers (except for jess, she is still single ; D) and we have the same mission here aiming towards success...

so, we are ready to get move on with it and bringing the best in you, fantastic moms out there and your little ones, as they deserve the very best from us - our very own breastmilk...


zatul said...

Rindu waktu itu

Sukasewka by Hayatie said...

Betul tu zatul...oops..hi dr. ezzura..saje drop by..hehe!

Dr Ezura said...

missing u guys too....

ibuaiman said...

saya pun menyokong penuh breastfeeding. saya menyusu my 1st son till he was 4 years old. saya pun minat untuk jadi pakar laktasi. blh ezura bgtau macamana saya boleh ambil sijil tu?