I'm so happy and elated when i found out about this!!!
A Mother's Discovery
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
1st family vacation....
- go to a place that are accessible to health centre
- choose the environment that is almost similar to your home
- plan for a short vacation (2-3 days)
- pack your stuffs as well as your baby's stuff 1 day before the journey
- make a checklist on what to bring
- pack some of your baby's favourite toys as well
- if your baby is bottlefed, bring along the bottle sterilizer or sterilizing tablets (do not compromise hygiene for the sake of your little ones)
- if you plan to go to the swimming pool/beach, bring along sunscreen for babies and babies floaties
- bring extra clothing as she/he might puke or dirty the clothes accidentally
- do not cramp the car with unnecessary stuffs/toys
- bring a stroller/pram along
- minimize the amount of baggage (if possible)
- drive safely and carefully
- buckle up your baby in her carseat
- make sure the ventilation is good inside your car (not so hot or not so cold)
- enjoy yourself and make your baby enjoy herself too!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
sweet tooth...

Thursday, November 15, 2007
a wisdom tooth story (part 2)

my OPG
that's my OPG...can you see the wisdom tooth and the right side? that's actually my left lower wisdom tooth which is laying almost horizontal...it's pushing all the other teeth for it to come out..but still it cannot come out because of the overlying gum..the root actually is very near to the one of the dental nerves, that's why it is causing so much pain when it is inflammed and swollen as it compresses the nerve...while the right side being very vertical which make it easier to come out, but still cannot come out because of the overlying gum and soft tissue...so far it is sitting there quietly and i hope it will just stay there and be good!
so, that is the real situation...so what will happen now is i'm praying and hoping that i won't get another attack...and i hope they will call me earlier to have a minor oral surgery to remove the tooth!
so today, i started to eat normal food again (i have been depending on Nesvita 3 in 1 for the past few days) and able to consult my patients (though i restricted my conversations with them as it still give some pain when i talk too much)....
Monday, November 12, 2007
a wisdom tooth story...
well, i managed to peep a little bit...i got to see my other friends out there...before this, i can only hear their voices...but is not that good though...i cannot squeeze myself back in...i cannot stand all the food debris got stuck in between me and my home..and it tend to be smelly...yucks!!
when my home got covered with the dirty food debris, it will become so ugly and dirty...i cannot sweep them away...but i feel great when i got a very nice bath with Oral B shampoo cleaning me and swept the dirty things away...sometimes, when i throw my tantrum, my home swelled up and trapped me...and i felt stuck and stuffy...
it has been a few days that i am not feeling that good...my home is swelling up and i becames stuffy and i tried to push myself to the surface more and more...luckily i don't have any fever...and some of my friends out there also complained of uneasiness with my home swelling up...
just now i heard someone talking about me...they were discussing of throwing me out for good!!!!! oh, no!!!! that's not good for me...i'm losing my friends and where will i be sent to..?? but they thought of doing it later because it's going to be a painful thing to do and it is expensive...but they somehow can get it done for free as well...oh, i don't know.....if they want to throw me out, i will hold tight to my lovely home and call my friends to hold my hands not to let me go....!
maybe, that's the fate of me...i've nowhere to go now...i wait and i wait for my destiny...i don't decide for my own destiny...but they do - the HUMAN!
yeah, that's the story of my wisdom tooth, to be exact - the left lower wisdom tooth...the right-sided one has been good, it has not decided to come out...i can't decide yet what to do..luckily it is not infected...just impacted...this is worst than wearing a braces!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Chicago, The Musical

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Jihan pandai....
friends and family gathering (hari raya gathering)
sneak preview....