A Mother's Discovery

a mother's experience nurturing her little ones, treasuring every single family moments with her loved ones and sharing her thoughts on day-to-day life experience, breastfeeding and natural parenting ...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

the road isn't always smooth as you want it to be...

today, i feel like blogging about my breastfeeding journey, particularly with my little Imti currently...alhamdulillah, i am still able to fully breastfeed him and i'm proud to say that Imti is exclusively fed with my breastmilk only....so far, i have good supply of breatmilk and i 'm able to produce more than his demand...

i'm going through a hard working life now...i'm doing my attachment in HKL and i travel almost 100km everyday, from home to work...it takes me about 45min - 1 hour to work and the same duration back home, depending on the weather and road condition of the day...i wake up at 5 or 5.30 everyday to express my milk and get ready to work....i have my breakfast in the car in the traffic jam or at the carpark when i arrive in HKL.... i've been doing this routine for the past 2 months + and it's going to end soon...since starting this routine, i always pray that Allah make it easier for me to express my milk at the designated time (every 3-4 hourly) and my prayer has been answered most of the time...

but being an attachment medical officer at a very huge hospital is not easy....i have to struggle to do my job as a pumping and breastfeeding mama....many people think that working in an environment of baby-friendly hospital makes you easier to to carry yourself as a breastfeeding mum, but that's not always true...sometimes i couldn't find the right place to express my milk and people look at me weirdly...the medical staffs seem not to know that you can express the milk and store them in the refrigerator for your baby to feed the next day! and some gave a disgusting look at my face trying to tell me that, "i'm not going to do that when i have kids later.."..some even made fun of me.......sometimes i have to beg the owner of the place to use a corner of the room for me to express my milk...but some of them were really nice, they really gave me the freedom to use their space for 20 minutes for me to do my job...

at one time, my breastpump and its apparatus were purposely locked in a room because they didn't want an intruder messing around with their stuffs inside the room...i was left with engorged breasts for more than 7 hours...when the door is opened, i got my stuffs and ended up expressing in the car on a very hot afternoon...

there were times, somebody (male colleagues/staffs) just stormed into the room while i was expressing, luckily i was wearing the nursing poncho to cover....

i realized that my milk production reduced than the norm these few days but still sufficient for Imti's need.... probably i am a bit stress as well....so i express more at home to stimulate the milk production and it kind of help....

perhaps, there's more can be done to educate the public as well as the medical personnels regarding breastfeeding...it's my dream to do this professionally in the near future...may Allah bless my good intention and make this dream a reality...


~ZZ~ said...

chaiyo.. chaiyo.. really repect your stands on breastfeeding... yeah, why people treating u so bad? How could they did that to u? Mungkin kurang dapat berkat mak diorg- tak lama diorg breastfeeding dulu2 kot huhuhuhu.... If only Imti can speak at this very moment, he will surely be grateful to u..

My dear... I still keep ur house key with me.. Bukan tak jumpa Asrul kat HUKM (but for the past 2 weeks i was in KL campus doing my parasitology) tapi nak pulangkan baldi mop lantai dulu, tp tak terpergi2 lagi huhuhu.. Shame on me! Sorry ya!

n33za said...

sayu baca entry nih.i still breastfeed my 18 months old son.
semoga Allah permudahkan urusan dr.ezzura..lebih2 lagi untuk fully breastfeed

Lady Qay said...

ezura, phm phm wat u r going tru..dkt my ward pun paeds mo or registrar sllu usik2 mo yg dok usung pam ke sana sini sb nk bf ank..as im also a bfdg mum hardcore, sllu juga bela blik...n diorg thu me a dietitian yg bfdg diorg lbih respect...

Lady Qay said...

kuatkn smgt, ignore je aper org nk kt...yg pntg kita nk bg yg tbaik pd ank kita...

Lady Qay said...

ezura, yerp kat husm lgik..nak g mana lgik..hehehe...n still yerp..still xlusive Bf tolak mkn mnum...hahaha...u can too!chaiyok chaiyok...

Am said...

congrats pd akak yg gigih BF Imti.. mmg BF mommy ni menempuah mcm2 cabaran tersendiri...xtermasuk cabaran dalaman bile bdn dah terlalu letih..mana nk pump lagik, penat badan lagik..rasa mcm nk stop jer...tp bile tgk muka anak, dah hak die nk bfeed... teruskan je la...

zeta said...

Sedih hati bila baca entry ni..teruk kn ppl yg treat us like that..xsuke bile benda camtu pon jd kat sy..
Tabahkan hati Dr..semoga kita semua berjaya breastfeed our baby smpi 2thn @ lebih selagi kita mahu..Insyaallah..