A Mother's Discovery

a mother's experience nurturing her little ones, treasuring every single family moments with her loved ones and sharing her thoughts on day-to-day life experience, breastfeeding and natural parenting ...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Imtiaz's gastronomic experience...

my little boy simply loves food so much....i would say he's addicted to food....! he can't hear the sound of cutleries or plastics or people munching, he'd scream and try to get hold of it, thinking that it'd be his food and it's feeding time....

since he started weaning at 6 months, he had rice porridge with carrots, potato, cauliflower, broccoli, fish or chicken, all mixed together....i tried feeding him with pasta with chicken, carrots and potatoes, he loves it so much....my mum made him pancakes for breakfast and he finished it...he also loves breads and buns of any kinds....i gave him cheese slices and he took that well too....i made him pasta with cauliflower, spinach and potato with cheese and he licked the whole bowl up...not forgetting homemade banana smoothies, he swallowed 2 bowls of it for prebreakfast and subsequently had a slice of french toast....!

a few days ago, while i was having my dinner at the table and he was crawling on the floor (he alredy had his dinner) and while everybody else was busy doing their stuffs, my little Imti cried wanting to sit on my lap with his lips smacking all over...i was eating rice with chicken in soy sauce and fish in yellow river (masak lemas cili padi), and he reached for my plate....i gave him the inner meat of the chicken and i possibly had a trace of chilli and he gobbled that too....oh my...!

so far, he has no problem with food- no allergies, no diarrhea or constipation...he is still breastfeeding actively despite all the foods he is eating...he is such and active baby and his weight gains satisfactorily...

i tried to give him variety fo food for him to taste and experience them naturally...i have not introduce salt and sugar into his food and avoiding sauces and artificial sweetener and flavour, he is taking everything in natural flavours and aromas....

all his food is roughly chopped and mashed, not smoothly pureed anymore as he has 2 lower incisor teeth and he is actually good at chewing using his gum...

Bravo little boy...!

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